...... YEAH, IT'S COLD. |
Hundreds of tents on The Quad!!! |
Well, fellow Aggies, it was that time again for you know what....
CAMPOUT! We all know how crazy it can get when we host any athletic events against BYU, but us Aggies
GO BIG OR GO HOME. Thursday night we camped out on The Quad since 7 pm until 5 am! One thing was for sure, IT WAS FREEZING! Now you may be asking, why the heck would you be camping in 30 degree weather to get into a game? Well let me explain. The Romney Stadium only holds a certain amount of students, so in order to secure your spot for the game, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you campout in order to get a wristband that will let you get into the game earlier. Thankfully the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business had some fun things for students to do, as part of Business Week, in the TSC to keep us warm. First off, who doesn't love FREE Buffalo Wild Wings and drinks?!?! And second, who doesn't love some good movie action, Remember the Titans?! Thanks Business Council! Anyway...after hours of walking around and socializing, we were all settled in and finally sleeping in our tents until students woke us up at 4 AM to get in line for our wristbands! Only 5 minutes later of being in line did it then start to snow as well! But nothing can express your relief as an Aggie than when you finally get your bracelet, pack up your tent, and head to your cozy warm bed to await the infamous USU vs. BYU football game.
Ale, Laura, Me, Arturo, and Chris ready for some Aggie football! GO AGGIES! |
And after a long day of class, at last, it was GAME TIME. Since my friends and I had wristbands, we got into the stadium at 4PM before all the other students got in at 4:30 PM. It was definitely another chilly night as we saw our Aggies play. Unfortunately this time we had encountered a loss to the BYU Cougars, but we still bleed our blue for USU win or lose. Because ONCE AN AGGIE, ALWAYS AN AGGIE!